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Why We Enjoy Peugeot Spare Key (And You Should Also!)

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Writer Connie 24-02-19 04:51


How to Create a Peugeot Spare Key

Peugeot cars are equipped with a unique immobiliser system that relies on a small chip that is hidden inside the key to work. Whenever you insert a key into the ignition, it searches for that chip and will only start your car when it finds it.

Contacting a professional auto-locksmith the best option for you if have issues with your key. They have the technology and tools to make you a new car key while you wait.

The most important

The Peugeot car key is a high-tech piece of equipment. It has an electronic chip inside that communicates with the engine control unit (ECU) to allow the car to start and unlock its doors. This technology ensures that only a locksmith that has the right tools can make an additional Peugeot key.

This is a key that will replace a damaged, worn or lost car key. In contrast to standard key blanks that can be purchased on the internet or in some hardware stores, Peugeot keys must be programmed to function in the vehicle you are using it in. This means that the keys must be cut to the correct type, contain the correct transponder and other parts. It also needs to be set up correctly for the security system of your vehicle. A professional auto locksmith is capable of completing all these tasks in the fastest time possible.

Traditionally, Peugeot owners would need to go to their dealer to get replacement keys. It's an alternative, but it's not always the best solution. Dealerships do not have the equipment or know-how to handle Peugeot important emergencies on the roadside, at work or at home.

310762719_174097598533869_20158890896258A professional mobile auto locksmith however is equipped to deal with your emergency and will have a brand new key for peugeot 207 Peugeot key for you in a short amount of time. They can do this for just a fraction of what you would pay for a direct visit to the dealer.

cropped-KeyLab-1-152x69.pngThere's a good chance that you'll find a "transponder chip' in the key of an Peugeot model that is newer. This is another layer of security which will stop your vehicle from starting unless it receives a specific code from the key when it's inserted. This is why it's impossible to duplicate a Peugeot key without the correct equipment and software.

This key will have the profile 'JMA HU-HCA.P It is exactly the same as Silca HU83. It is also available as a type of key in the 106 (107, 107), 206, 306, 208 and 406 models. We have this profile in stock and we're able to cut the key for you as well as program it. Please click on the 'Key Programming Information tab' at the top of the page for more information. Customers who are working in the motor or locksmith trade can sign up for an trade account and benefit from our preferential pricing. Otherwise, you can contact us via the contact form below.

The immobiliser

The immobiliser on a Peugeot is among the most efficient security features. It operates by using the tiny glass chip that is embedded in the key to prevent the vehicle from starting. The system is built on a complex code and doesn't require any sort of battery to function. The system works by checking the code on the chip each when the key is placed in the ignition barrel. The car will only start when it recognizes the chip. If not, the fuel supply will be cut off to prevent the engine from running.

This is a great thing that has cut the amount of car crime drastically. However, it also means that new Peugeot keys are not easy to acquire and you'll require a professional locksmith for this type of work. The specialist can use dealer-standard tools to create keys for a Peugeot spare key and also will need to program it in order for the car to start. It can cost between 120 PS and 300 PS, depending on the type and complexity of the key.

Peugeot keys are prone to wear and tear and eventually fail over time generally around five years. The electronic switches deteriorate when they are dropped, thrown or exposed to extreme temperatures. The result is tiny hairline cracks on the circuit board which causes the transponder to fail. This is the most frequent fault that occurs with the Peugeot key, and it typically results in the car not starting or displaying an 'Immobiliser Fault' message on the dashboard.

If you've lost your Peugeot spare or if the original key has been stolen, then you can call a local locksmith for a replacement. These experts can help you with a number of different automobile brands and will be able to visit you, avoiding you the hassle of having to be driven back to their shop or a dealership.

The key can be manufactured and programmed by a specialist for around 120 PS but the specialist will need to have the right equipment to make your car run again. Many of the less expensive key replicas you can buy on eBay or Amazon don't have the correct chips and this could result in the key not working. These keys are typically made in China and can be poor quality, and it is better to purchase a dealer key from the beginning. It is essential to have a backup plan in the event of losing your key. This will ensure that you return home safely or get to the garage as quickly as you can.


Representation : Kang Musung
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